Friday, May 20, 2011

In Memoriam

To my Grandma 
Just before leaving for Mongolia
There are very few people that I have met in my life that have had such a magnetic pull to them. Grandma Pat was one of those very rare individuals. There was nothing about her that didn't both inspire and excite everyone that was fortunate to be in her company.

I remember Jeff, Chris, Steph and I getting excited about Maketewah dinners weeks in advance. Even golf to me is Grandma - she is the one who instilled in me the passion to play - and some of the best summers were spent walking the fairways at the club. And even as she got older, playing with Hans, Lyn and I - getting out of the cart only to chip and putt around the green - but letting out such a joyful "I got two!" when she putted it in. 

I will never have another Easter that isn't spent thinking of Grandma. Bloody Marys and sandwich platters - all while playing chess and having conversations with distant relatives and friends (all which usually digressed back to the Reds). I will never forget Grandmas'. The Labor Day fireworks will never be the same - and a view of the city will never be as beautiful. 

She is an inspiration - a powerhouse of positivity that I can only hope to strive for. I owe more to her than could ever be mentioned in a lifetime. If I could be guaranteed of nothing else but one thing in my life - it would be the health and attitude of Grandma Pat - she has been nothing short of amazing - and truly a most positive and life changing influence.     

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