Friday, May 20, 2011

Project Vision

What we want to see this project become.....
It's easy to ask for money. That may be a part of this project, but simplifying it to just that, would be a complete injustice. There has been a tremendous outpour of participation on the local level to organize and give this project wheels, and that has become the focus of this project. The Sports Resource Project is not interested in the simple reality of creating capital, but rather, in the creation of a community that becomes involved and invested in the local community here in Olgii, Mongolia. It's not about 'writing a check' - it's about getting as many people as possible to be a part of a movement that provides the tools necessary for a sister community to finally have the resources to reach the level of success that they deserve and have worked so hard to achieve. This project brings excitement - and the opportunity for the two different worlds that I have come to love to be able to interact and connect with one another through its most pressing resource issue.  

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