The Peace Corps Community

Being in the Peace Corps has a two-fold reality. As mentioned in my relationships, there are several social circles that I have now found myself a member of. However, my greatest support system is the other volunteers in Olgii. (Where you can actually have a fluid conversation in English and talk about all the food you miss from home - which is often counterproductive)
All of us at Thanksgiving
From left to right: Justin (a youth development volunteer that will be here the same 2 years as me), Adi (an English teacher in a small village about an hour and a half from me - also will be here the same two years), and Scott and Ashley (who are married and will be finishing their service and returning home in late June). We will be receiving new volunteers in late August.

There is also a very active volunteer community throughout Mongolia itself that is centered in the capital Ulaanbaatar. However, being located in the most remote region in Mongolia (3-5 days by bus to the capital) I rarely see other volunteers. However, many of us did become good friends during the 3 month training process last summer before we actually went to our individual sites. 
My training group in UB
My roommates during training